Monday, January 23, 2012 weight!

Why is it so difficult for us genetically challenged heftys to lose a little weight? And why do we let our weight decide our worth? I'm like oprah, my weight has went up and down for years....but why is it when we gain a few lbs we suddenly feel like a beached whale? blah...and where are all the fat people at on tv?.. have we banished our fellow heftys from prime time? Who says skinny is where its at??

My roomate's daughter who is 6yrs old asked me the other day if her dress up clothes made her butt look big....REALLY!!? WHEN THE HELL did our kids pick up this thin is in non sense at such an early age?  When I was a kid, none of that stuff mattered. The only thing I worried about was what barbie was gonna wear when Ken came over.

I hear a lot in the media about children being bullied over their weight. And now there are public forums out there where teens can log on and bash their peers. Fat....nasty.....oh and my highschool favorite...slutty...yeah yeah I know getting off track with the weight subject ...but still, when I was a teen these social websites weren't popular or maybe didn't exist ....point being, its hard enough for me to deal with the thin is in shit but what are our kids growing up into?

I had a friend once tell me that their mother makes and made remarks to her about her weight.  Making small comments about adding extra cheese to her salad.....or the one that gets me..." Don't u think you should join a gym?"... You shouldn't feel uncomfortable to eat infront of your own mother. Why in the hell would anyone say this to their own child??

So, my own advice...salads....turkey....chicken ....and def nothing fried. Oh yeah, and no booze...but hell, with all the stress and pressure out there who doesn't want a drink, or two....or six...and make sure guys and gals exercise !!! Every little bit helps. And above all, love the skin your in. Because afterall your the only one who has to wear it . ;) stay classy folks.

Until next time,
Your go to girl

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