Monday, January 23, 2012

gay? or happy?

as the day ends im reminded of a few things..... but where to start?... closet gays...whats the point? why cant everyone be honest? i know so many gays that are out of the closet and are happy. why must someone build themselves up to be someone they are not? perhaps a small town will do that, but it goes against my honesty policy. ive been called some of the harshest names that you couldnt even imagine. but through it all ive always remained true to myself. ive went through phases and definitely grown and maybe i dont feel the same way about certain things that i did several years ago...but thats who i was several years get what i mean? well maybe you dont, but i find it rather disgusting when a man can sleep with another man , and then turn around and say how disgusted he was over something sexual that happened the night before. and fr course the one man is obviously gay. but how many lies are too many? and when do the lies end? ...not after marriage...not after the first kid..and not after the second....thank god im not "that girl"... sometimes i find it my duty to embarrass and literally "bust" these people out in public. but then on the other hand i think, what for? its not my gain. and its certainly not his...or hers for that matter. i just wish people could be more honest. sometimes i wonder if im the only blatenly honest person left in this world. its these kind of situations that reinforce my singleness.

i guess my only message for tonight is to stay true to self....if not for yourself, for the people around you. your mama was right when she said honesty is the best policy.

until next time,
your go to girl

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