Sunday, January 29, 2012
do you REALLY know who you're sleeping with?
i did hear a pretty f*cked up story today from a friend.... to make a long story short, im just blown away at the fact that there are people out there that are HIV positive and totally aware of it and are out there NOT wrapping it up just passing the virus from person to person. are these carriers not aware that this is legally a huge deal?. ..isnt this considered some sort of attempted murder? because im pretty positive it is.
when someone is aware of a situation like this going on some feel like they dont want to report it because they dont wanna get involved. but what many dont know, is that they can report it anonymously. so please, if you are in this situation, PLEASE report this to your local authorities before more lives are effected. you will not be judged, and you are saving lives.
i have attached a helpful link to my post tonight for anyone living with HIV that needs info or support. i hope we can take action and prevent the spread of HIV/AIDS. please be safe out there in the dating world. you just never know these days. and always get yourself screened regularily for stds. lets keep ourselves and the ones we love healthy.
until next time,
your go to girl
Fashion Do....Not
i want to hear from you
i thought i would take a minute and ask what would you like to read about? or perhaps do you have any questions for me? lets get to know eachother better :)
cant wait to hear from you!
untile next time,
your go to girl
Friday, January 27, 2012
the one who got away
my story goes back about 3yrs ago. it was too good to be true. everyday felt like valentine's day. we could spend hours just talking and looking into eachother's eyes. we talked everyday on the phone, and always sent eachother cutesy texts when we werent together. i could not believe how head over heels in love i was with this boy. ...well slightly still am. and i remember my friends finding me noticably chipper ( which is unusual for me since im such a sour puss half the time) . but nope, this girl was beaming. finally...FINALLY i had found the one.
well as you expected, we broke up. i couldnt tell you to this day exactly what happened, and thats probably parcially why i still think about it. i remember a few nights after st. patrick's day i received a text from him and it sounded sketchy. i was at work so i had to wait until the end of the day to respond. i immediately called him once i was off the clock. he told me it was over.... . i cant even explain how i felt at that moment. almost like someone had sat on my chest and my heart fell on the floor. i remember being speachless. he wanted me to go home and call him and we could talk about it then..... if it was possible, ..i think i was in shock! but, like a dummy, instead of going home i went straight to the bar. my friends were there and i thought that would console me. but instead i just found myself repeating my same damn sob story over and over.
the next day, i immediately contacted him. ( i did drunk text him the night before but he did not respond)...and as the night before, no answer. some days passed, and when i finally got ahold of him, he was a completely different person from the one i cared for so much. he just said it isnt working out. and none of the feelings we felt for eachother was real. he made me feel like, maybe i just imagined everything! as i hung up the phone, my mind kept playing through conversations we had shared. almost like i was trying to prove to myself that they were real. i wanted to call him up and say "HA! you dont mean that and this is why..." i didnt, i mean , yeah of course i tried. but he didnt want anything to do with me.
i remember how in tune we were with eachother, and how everything seemed so easy...but i had then found myself removed from his life. he refused to have any contact with me what so ever. after talking with my girlfriends that suggested that perhaps maybe things were moving to fast for him and he was scared of what he was feeling. ... the first few weeks i flirted with the concept. and hell, even believed it. because in my mind, there was no way that he could ever remove ME from his life. because afterall , what we had was irreplaceable.
the days and the months went on. ...and still no consistent contact. we would randomly have encounters where either i or him were really desperately reaching out and then we would meet for a short period. and in these short visits, i would always get my hopes up. he would promise me things. and he would look at me like he always would, and my heart would melt all over again...but then the days would pass and i wouldnt hear from him...days turned to weeks, weeks turned to months, and months turned to years. i later learned that he moved to florida with a girl he met from home.
and still to this day, i think about this boy everyday. his piercing grey eyes. his shy smile. the way he would always keep his hands in his pocket with his shoulders shrugged and smile.... everywhere i turn i feel like there is something reminding me of him. and i often wonder, if he ever thinks of me the same way. is it possible that what we had was such deep of a connection that he just didnt know how to process it? and as mad as he has made me for just disappearing out of my life, he crosses my mind and i remember him for who he was to me.
Thursday, January 26, 2012
Serial Monogamous
I've had a friend that I've known for quite some time. And I never understood her reasoning in life. She is what I call a serial monogamous. I've known her 5 years and she has been engaged 3 times and this is not including the engagements prior to meeting her. Before one relationship ends, she already has another one started. "Playing house" always came before her friendships. They are moved in , in a blink of an eye. And every relationship is a ready made family. These guys are good to her and her daughter, but is this healthy for the little one?
I guess my main complaint is, that I would love to have her in my life but it always comes at her convenience. She has isolated herself from all her friends due to her need for a family unit. Why can't she balance out both? And what is this chronic need for always having a man in her life?
And maybe I sound a bit judgemental, but it gets old when your texts and calls become predictably dismissed.
There's been instances where she won't come and hang out when I invite her, but when one of her ex's is there, she didn't hesitate to get pretty and come on out. And mind you, this occurred while being in a relationship. It all just seems a bit fickle.
Am I wrong for keeping her at arms length? What's your thoughts?
Until next time,
Your go to girl
can someone put that crying baby in his cage
sometimes all you can do is, look at it
your go to girl
Internet Stud? or Internet Dud?
BUT, here are my thoughts....1. does he just seem great because he is so far away lol? 2. am i putting him on a pedastal because it seems too good to be true and 3. should i even get my hopes up?? i mean seriously, how many times have i gotten my hopes up only to be let down. ...ACTUALLY, not even let down, just expecting the expected...which would be, just not working out. sure id love something to be excited about, but lets be real, you've gotta kiss a few frogs before you find a prince. and this chick here is running outta lip gloss!
so send me your feedback readers! id like to know your thoughts on internet dating. and what are your favorite internet dating sites? i enjoy this one .
until next time,
your go to girl
the world in a glass?
someone told me this week at a pub that i am "always" drunk. ....we are at a bar, and thats the only time i see you is at this bar....who ISNT drunk here? isnt that what people do at the bar? .... Its a place to go unwind from your day or week and just let loose and enjoy good company. these words set heavy with me because i used to have a drinking problem.. and maybe some would say i still do and always will. but ive straightened my act up alot. ive learned to only drink to have a good time, not because your pissed off at the world. so, .... those words have bothered me this past week. and the person did apologize to me after seeing me visibly upset. but, do some people just think that , that is who i am? if you dig deeper, you will see there is a lot of substance here.
i guess this is so upsetting to me because i believe im a lot more than " that girl." ive been told by others how great of a person i am, or how fun i am to be around, etc. but then someone can say that, and its like all the good attributes have been stripped away.
i suppose in this insecure world we live in, we've learnded to second guess ourselves probably more than what we should. this has just been on my mind today and i thought i would get it off my chest. thank you for listening, guys and gals!
until next time,
your go to girl
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
give me a guy thats gonna surprise me. do what the last guy didnt. and when you tell me that your not like every other guy, PROVE IT. i think dating is pretty simple, and people over complicate everything. if you want to see someone, you will. if you wanna talk to someone, you will. simple as that. where there is a will, there is a way! dont let me look like a fool trying to get your attention.
and when did chivalry die?? when did women decide that we gotta get all painted up, and all bedazzled for the "new guy" we are "seeing". ?? everyone wants instant gratification these days. do men not see this effort we put forth? and when does that man decide that "you" arent worth HIS time...or theres someone better out there someone better out there because THEY lack standards??
ok readers, i will end my rant. my point is if every guy says " im different", then none of them are actually different at all. they are just THAT guy that says " IM DIFFERENT"... and we know we are all so tired of hearing that one!
to all my male readers, i really do love you guys :) i do have love for ya, i just dont understand a damn one of you :)
until next time,
your go to girl
"Daddy Issues"
when i reached my teenage years i, like many, rebelled. i experiemented with pot and drinking. ( like many) dad never could get passed any flaw i ever held. he expected me to make all the right decisions and when an undesirable one was made , he never forgot it. he just added it to his tally list of hate.
until i reached the age of 18, i lived in the same house as him. we never spoke. the only time words were exchanged was during heated arguments. at one point he made the comment that he wished he never had kids. most of his remarks i pushed so far out of my mind that i couldnt even recall at this moment. i think that he believed if he could yell at me and put me down enough that it would make me change and suddenly be a respectable adult.
when i was 17, i became pregnant and had my first child. my father was embarrassed to be seen with me in public. and hell, for most of my family's friends they didnt even know he had a daughter. i remember one time when i was noticably pregnant, we were going out to dinner as a family. when my dad discoverd i was going along too, he went back in the house because he didnt want to be seen with his embarrassment of a daughter.
i remember many of times my father going out of his way to big the biggest prick he could possibly be to me. i was never good enough. i was stupid. i was a waste of space to him. several times i tried to reach out and ammend things...that only lasted a couple days. and soon, he would go back to his ways. and even though im the only child in the immediate family to graduate highschool , go to college, and have a respectable profession, i am STILL not good enough.
it wasnt just I, that my father would belittle. he never was good with communication. yelling was his way of life...either that or just ignoring you. ive seen him make my own mother cry. ive seen him yell and put down my brother when we were growing up. sometimes i become so angry when i hear the things that he says to my mom.
present day, its been some time that i removed myself from his life. its been years since i asked the man for anything....and yes he is still alive. my dad was always a looming cloud of anger growing up in the house. ...never knew when he was gonna start in with his shit. and when it came to me and him it always escalated. i grew up in a house where even at the supper table we wouldnt even ask eachother to pass the salt....there was always a middle man for that. pretty sad huh? i couldnt tell you anything about my father...favorite color...age....birthday....dont know, and honestly dont care.
i do strongly believe my father helped to shape me into who i am today. some attributes good...and some not so much. i probably have what they call " daddy issues" hahahha...i definitely have issues with men and definitely have issues with trust. BUT i can say im probably a lot more ballsy because of him. ..i mean hell, when your living in a war zone growing up your always on the defense, and always have the most wittiest comback resting on the tip of your tongue.
with all this being said, he never physically beat me....he just emotionally derailed me. but, i feel ive come out on top in life so far. things could definitely have turned out worse. ...i have given up on trying to mend things with him and have accepted that things are the way they are and they cannot be undone. because afterall, cant miss, what you never had.
until next time,
your go to girl
Monday, January 23, 2012
gay? or happy?
i guess my only message for tonight is to stay true to self....if not for yourself, for the people around you. your mama was right when she said honesty is the best policy.
until next time,
your go to girl
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until next time,
your go to girl
The women who pee standing up
So I had to share. While on Google I decided to type on my name...and to my surprise....I'm NOT the only go to girl, or shall I say Go Girl ...
There is a device out there designed so that women can urinate standing up! I don't know about anyone else, but I'm perfectly fine with sitting to pee. This device you will just have to see to believe!!!! God help us when we have become too lazy to take a pee..... weight!
Why is it so difficult for us genetically challenged heftys to lose a little weight? And why do we let our weight decide our worth? I'm like oprah, my weight has went up and down for years....but why is it when we gain a few lbs we suddenly feel like a beached whale? blah...and where are all the fat people at on tv?.. have we banished our fellow heftys from prime time? Who says skinny is where its at??
My roomate's daughter who is 6yrs old asked me the other day if her dress up clothes made her butt look big....REALLY!!? WHEN THE HELL did our kids pick up this thin is in non sense at such an early age? When I was a kid, none of that stuff mattered. The only thing I worried about was what barbie was gonna wear when Ken came over.
I hear a lot in the media about children being bullied over their weight. And now there are public forums out there where teens can log on and bash their peers. Fat....nasty.....oh and my highschool favorite...slutty...yeah yeah I know getting off track with the weight subject ...but still, when I was a teen these social websites weren't popular or maybe didn't exist ....point being, its hard enough for me to deal with the thin is in shit but what are our kids growing up into?
I had a friend once tell me that their mother makes and made remarks to her about her weight. Making small comments about adding extra cheese to her salad.....or the one that gets me..." Don't u think you should join a gym?"... You shouldn't feel uncomfortable to eat infront of your own mother. Why in the hell would anyone say this to their own child??
So, my own advice...salads....turkey....chicken ....and def nothing fried. Oh yeah, and no booze...but hell, with all the stress and pressure out there who doesn't want a drink, or two....or six...and make sure guys and gals exercise !!! Every little bit helps. And above all, love the skin your in. Because afterall your the only one who has to wear it . ;) stay classy folks.
Until next time,
Your go to girl
Let me introduce myself
I apologize for not introducing myself properly in my first post. So let's get better aquainted. I'm a single 20 something. My life has had its UPS and downs just like anyone else. I've battled depression, anxiety, addiction, heartache, love, lust, and temptation like many of you. I started this blog to share my life and oppions . My goal is to turn my blog into a tell all. I have no filter on my mouth in life and I just want to tell it how I see it. Not everyone will agree and that's ok, but hopefully you can find entertainment through my writings. This is my first time starting a blog, so bare with me. But I can promise you at the least a daily blog! So, thank you for taking the time to let me share a bit of my background with you. Happy reading folks!
P.s..if your still wondering what this blog is all about...well...EVERYTHING. all the bullshit life throws at you will be here through the eyes of your go to girl!
Until next time,
Your go to girl
Sunday, January 22, 2012
as the day comes to an end....
you've always got those people that say the same damn things to you " oh your young," , " you have plenty of time" , ...or my favorite " dont rush it, it will happen for you." ha! biological clock is ticking! and i want a back rub! lol ..
is it normal that when night falls we seem to think about all these things that we feel we are lacking in life? what about all the things we have to be greatful for?... i dont know about any of you, but when its day time, i can see all these things!...but BAM, just about that time your feeling like a bum sitting on the couch before bed it hits you....your suddenly bored, your alone, why am i not cuddled up with a good lookin guy watching this crappy lifetime movie??? where in the hell do these thoughts come from?
and even though we all know that ex's are ex's for a reason,....for some unexplained reason they run across your mind just about the time your really getting into your own personal pitty party. or better yet, a night out with the girls can easily become a drunk texting nightmare to the ex....then when u wake up in the morning the regret sets in. .... why does being in a relationship seem to be such a important to-do on one's list. have we let this define who we are? have we forgot who we are without a side kick?
well, that is all for tonight. as for me, one thing is guranteed. the sun will rise tomorrow and it will most definitely be a brand new day! the pitty party ends when the sun arises! stay classy singles! you are all beautiful!
until next time,
your go to girl
friend card
so, for my first rant...lets talk about the "friend card". im a good looking gal, but somehow always seem to hear " im just looking to be friends".... well, ....i know you all have been there at some, did the friend card get pulled before or after a romantic rendavous in the sheets?? what ever happened to being upfront and honest with someone? ....anyone know that word committment? ...after the friend card gets pulled...skurt!!! im done!....but why does the other person not understand why you wish they would just disappear?? ..... has the world become THAT selfish? I personally, do not understand the oposite many mixed signals these days.... one day they wanna take u out to dinner and cuddle for a movie and then the next, they are ohhh so sketchy. does love even exist anymore?
how is it i see the most repulsive people coupled up in public....and then i look in the mirror and think wtf? do people just decide to settle because they think they dont deserve the best? or is there that very few out there that believe still in inner beauty.??
i may be a bit vain, but we've all had these thoughts as we lay on the couch after a break up with our tissues and eat a gallon of ice cream...or maybe that big mac from mcdonalds. point being...i really think that we should officially make a physical "friend card" that we can readily hand to someone the minute we meet them...anyone else up for this? this is all for now. send your thoughts my way if youve been handed the friend card one too many times.
until next time ,
your go to girl